February 23, 2024

Acupuncture and the Mind and Body Connection

Written by Ho Yeung Liu, Registered Pscyhotherapist

I've recently had the pleasure of attending a 30-minute acupuncture session with Dr. Sapna Sriram.

The session began with Dr Sriram briefing me on the risks and benefits of acupuncture and asking me some preliminary questions about my health that may be relevant to the acupuncture process. Since my work involves a lot of sitting, which in my estimation is an experience that many of us share, Dr Sriram and I mutually agreed upon focusing on my shoulders and upper back. Other parts of the body may be focused upon depending on your specific ailments and challenges.    

Several things caught me by surprise. First, I experienced little to no discomfort and pain from the insertion of acupuncture needles. Second, within minutes of the needles being implanted, I felt a significant increase in my blood circulation across my shoulders, neck and back, quickly followed by my shoulders, which has always had a tendency of rising up and staying stuck as a response to stress, gradually lowering and relaxing to the point that the tightness I took for granted was just gone. And with that out of the way, all that was left was an uncommon sense of peace and relaxation in both my mind and body for the rest of the session, with Dr Sriram occasionally checking in to see how I was doing. The session ended with Dr Sriram performing several chiropractic adjustments on my back which further reduced tension in my upper back and shoulders.

After one session, my ability to relax my shoulders stayed with me for several days even after returning to my work. I was able to enjoy better sleep, better circulation within my body and better digestion and appetite. These significant boosts resulted in my increased productivity and increased concentration over the next two weeks.

In summary, for those of us working stressful jobs in the Toronto downtown core, I am confident that the acupuncture services offered by Dr Sriram and her partner Dr Isabella Socci can offer you a sustained and much needed respite that allows you to relax, recover and enable you to pursue your goals with just a little bit more ease and serenity.