September 28, 2022

Laser Treatments - Three Ways to Treat Your Skin Concerns

Laser Treatments are well known for their use in the case of hair removal, but did you know that Laser treatments can also be used to treat other skin concerns? Keep reading to learn more about what skin conditions can be treated using the state-of-the-art Elite IQ Laser Device at Integra Skinlab.


If you've noticed any dark spots or patches beginning to appear on your skin, this may be the result of an increase in melanin, which leads to a condition known as hyperpigmentation. Luckily, with a few treatments using the Elite IQ, we can actually treat these spots with only a few weekly sessions!


Vascular Lesions are a type of skin abnormality that can appear as a birthmark later in life. There are various forms of these lesions that can occur, but the good news is that they can be treated with Laser technology! Here are some other examples to demonstrate the power of the Elite IQ.


As much as everyone hates it, aging is inevitable. We certainly can't stop getting older, but we can definitely take steps to still look and feel young! With laser treatments, it's possible to reduce or even remove the presence of fine lines and wrinkles, crows feet and other signs of aging with a technique called laser photofacials.

If you'd like to discuss any skin concerns with a certified medical aesthetician, book a complimentary skin analysis today.